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A lapis lazuli faceted pendulum.


Sizes, shapes and appearance will vary, as each crystal is uniquely special.


All crystals will be cleansed and infused with Reiki energy before being sent out to their new home.



Lapis Lazuli has a strong connection to the third eye and throat chakras, it encourages self-awareness, clarity, self-expression, honesty, creativity and confidence. Lapis Lazuli helps you to clear negative energy, so that you can speak your inner truth and take charge of your life. This powerful crystal will also help those who wish to connect deeper with their spiritual self and intuition.


Origin: Afghanistan 



Pendulums can help you to find answers to questions when you're feeling stuck or unable to navigate your own thoughts. Pendulums react to the nerve reactions in your fingers that are generated by your unconcious mind in response to a question asked. 



Pendulums can be made of any material, however, the energy of crystal pendulums can help to ground you and activate your chakras for deeper connection. 



Find a comfortable position, standing or seated, where you can feel calm and relaxed. Hold out the palm of your hand and then hold the pendulum by the chain, with the crystal (or weight if using a different material) hanging down towards your palm. Focus your attention on the pendulum and on keeping it still and balanced. Ask the pendulum to show you 'yes' and watch the direction the pendulum moves (it may circe or sway side to side), when you've noticed it's movement, thank your pendulum and wait for it to stop moving. Now repeat the process, this time asking your pendulum to show you 'no'. Once you have connected with your pendulum and know how it will show you your answers, ask it 'yes' or 'no' questions, in order to gain your answers.

Lapis Lazuli Faceted Pendulum

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